Conferenze gruppo Invecchiamento e nuove tecnologie:
Co-Organization of Symposium with Vanessa Era: “The dark and the bright side of technological development: a window on the impact on physical, psychological and social wellbeing across the life-span”, Psychonomic Society, 16-18 November 2023, San Francisco, CA
Fini C. et al. What does “Internet” mean to us as we age? A multi-tasks investigation on the conceptualization of the technological domain across generations”,, Venezia. Italy, 20- 05-24
Co-Organization with Vanessa Era of Symposium: “Navigating psychosocial stress: understanding its impact and exploring possible pathways to well-being”, ESCAN, 24 May, 2024, Ghent, Belgium
Fini C. et al. “How intrusive thoughts modulate the predisposition to social interaction” 24-05- 2024. ESCAN, Ghent, Belgium [invited].
Fini C. et al. “Online exchanges about abstract concepts foster automatic imitation between young conversational partners”, EWIC, Napoli, Italy, 15-06-24
Co-Organization with Claudia Mazzuca, Gabriele Fusco, Alessandro Von Gal of: “Open-SITE Workshop for Early Career Researchers on OPEN SCIENCE: Why and How”, 19-06-2024, University of Rome, Sapienza, Roma.
Co-organization of the symposium: The Fundamental Flexibility of Abstract Words, Cogsci 2024 Conference, Dynamics of Cognition, Rotterdam, July 2024. Talk (invited): Borghi, A.M., Fini, C. & Mazzuca, C.: Abstract words, indeterminacy, and social interaction.
Falcinelli, I., Fini, C., Mazzuca, C., Borghi, A.M. What does “Internet” mean to us as we age? A multi-task study on technological concepts across generations. Poster presented at the AMLaP Conference (Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing), Edinburgh, September 2024.