Diagnosis, treatment, and long-term dealing with cancer can cause a variety of stressors in patients. The prevalence of psychological distress among cancer patients is higher than in the general population, with increasing risk of developing clinical levels of anxiety and depression. Psychosocial distress can appear early in the diagnostic process and have negative effects on treatment compliance and quality of life. In addition to the trauma that may result from the diagnosis, treatment and long-term effects of cancer, other stressful events can precede and occur in conjunction within the treatment process. Therefore, establishing the factors that prevent or mitigate discomfort is fundamental to develop interventions aimed at promoting coping skills and strategies. In this context, self-efficacy represents a specific construct that can favor the implementation of coping behaviors aimed at mitigating or preventing stress and maintaining the quality of life desired by the patient. Cancer patients with high perceived self-efficacy are more likely to manage distress, with a positive effects on the effectiveness of the treatments they have to undergo. In this scenario, the validation of tests aimed at assessing the levels of self-efficacy in cancer patients represents a fundamental step for the development of self-efficacy interventions aimed at reducing distress and improving the quality of life of patients.
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